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630th St
Menomonie, WI, 54751
United States

Fruit and Apple Share

Fall Apple Share, Menomonie


Fall Apple Share, Menomonie


What’s in a Fall Apple Share? This option is JUST the fall portion of our regular share. During the fall, all boxes are the same. PLEASE NOTE: if you purchased a Full Season Fruit Share, you do not need to purchase this option to get fall fruit. Purchasing both will get you two boxes in the fall.

Shares are delivered Tuesday mornings to Menomonie Market Food Co-op. They must be picked up before the store closes on Wednesdays.

Alternatively, you may choose on farm pickup to come visit us on Sunday afternoons! We’ll often have fresh pressed cider and other goodies for sale.

Every other week in September and October, for a total of four deliveries, apple share boxes include at least 4 varieties of apples each, as well as pears and fall raspberries when available.

Some of our many apple varieties include: William’s Pride, Chestnut Crabapple, Redfree, Crimson Crisp, Ginger Gold, St. Edmunds Russet, Gideon, Priscilla, Haralson, Sweet 16, Spartan, Akane, Alkemene, Liberty, Jonagold, Grimes Golden, Florina, and Keepsake. And others!

We grow a mix of disease-resistant, heritage, and unique varieties, and our Apple Share provides a sampler of all the flavors and textures apples have to offer. Each delivery is accompanied by an update with info on the varieties, usage suggestions, and storage notes.

Seasonal updates, contents of the box, and other farm/share news are communicated via email. Please sign up with a current email address. You may add a 2nd email in the registration form if desired.

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