Come see us at the Fulton Farmer's Market!

Contact Us

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630th St
Menomonie, WI, 54751
United States


Where to Buy

Full Season Fruit and Apple Shares will be available again in 2024 — Check back in February!

Come see us most Saturdays July-October at the Fulton Farmers Market on 49th & Chowen in SW Minneapolis or Mill City Farmers Market.  Select items can be found seasonally at the Menomonie Market Food Co-op.  (See What We Grow for specifics.) Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for updates on harvest, market dates, and other places we may sell.  We also work with restaurants and other producers interested in purchasing 2nds or bulk/wholesale quantities.  Please contact us for direct sales in the Chippewa Valley or Twin Cities.

We offering CSA-style Fruit Shares and Apple Shares, with delivery options in the Twin Cities and Menomonie.  Sign up here!  This year, we're also partnering with Sunbow Farm in Eau Claire, to offer fruit ala carte options. and Racing Heart Farm for Apple Share add-ons!  

In September and October, we off Sunday Farm Stand days with fresh cider, apples, jams and jellies, and other offerings. We do not offer pick-your-own, but welcome people to walk around and enjoy the beauty! Watch for updates on days and times.