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630th St
Menomonie, WI, 54751
United States

Fruit and Apple Share

Full Season Fruit Share - Menomonie


Full Season Fruit Share - Menomonie


Fruit Shares are delivered Tuesday mornings to Menomonie Market Food Co-op. Every other week July-October. They must be picked up before the store closes on Wednesdays. On-Farm pick up can be arranged, please contact us directly.

Full Season Organic Fruit Share, $225, 8 deliveries throughout the season, starting week of July 8th, of certified organic fruit grown on our family farm. Like all farms, we are subject to the unpredictable weather of the season, and timing and quantity of some of our crops will change year-to-year. Shares typically include red, pink, and black currants, raspberries, and blueberries; plums and pears; and a great assortment of apples! Apples include heirloom, disease resistant, and other unusual cultivars, as well as some more familiar names. Shares come in a half-bushel box, and each delivery contains 4 or more selections. In September and October, the share is MOSTLY apples. During that season, this share box is the same as the Fall Apple Share box. You do NOT need to purchase the Fall Apple Share box separately, unless you want double the apples.

Seasonal updates, contents of the box, and other farm/share news are communicated via email. Please sign up with a current email address. You may add a 2nd email in the registration form if desired.

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Fruit Shares are delivered Tuesday mornings to Menomonie Market Food Co-op. They must be picked up before the store closes on Tuesdays.

Full Season Organic Fruit Share, $225, 8 deliveries throughout the season of certified organic fruit grown on our family farm. Every other week July-October. Shares include red, pink, white, and black currants, raspberries, gooseberries, and blueberries; plums and pears; and a great assortment of apples! Shares come in a half-bushel box, and each delivery includes 4 or more selections.